Friday, April 27, 2012

So far, my biggest concern

I have not been too worried about weight gain, or health issues, or even how to decorate the nursery (which is still just a spare room with furniture needing to be moved). My concern isn't even really how to handle all the milestones that my husband will miss throughout the pregnancy (like the big 20 week ultrasound coming up in a little over a week where the sex of the child is revealed), due to his deployment. I am slightly saddened, but not even concerned, about the fact that I will not be able to splatter Facebook (or a real photo album) with those cute husband and wife maternity photos. Too bad, Baby Awesome, your daddy was serving his country --- this is just one of the sacrifices we have to make.

The true thing that has me searching chat rooms and racking my brain is what I am going to do once this child is born to help him/her get to know daddy -- despite the absence.

I realize that many women have done this before me. Many children have been born into military families whose fathers were absent due to combat. The question is though, how do you familiarize a BABY with someone who is just not there?

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely a strong person, to recognize that there is a huge need for you to do that in the future proves it. One of my closest friends went through a situation similar, she would show her baby pictures of him and play his voicemail message so that he could hear his voice. Its not ideal but I think it helped for them to being to form connection in his absence. Good Luck!
