Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cooking for way too many.

So, I realize that supposedly I am eating for two (although the second person residing in this body is no bigger than a navel orange right now) but it is really challenging trying to limit recipe portions. This, so far, has actually been the biggest challenge of being without my husband. Of all things, not the bills, not the housework or anything else -- it is cooking for myself.

Honestly, I bore myself. Here is what I made today. It's a huge pot of Curried Vegetable Stew. I love it, but this is enough to feed 12 people. I will probably freeze half of it (and forget about it). Here is the recipe if you are interested -- it is quite possibly my favorite one I have ever gotten from Rachel Ray.

If anyone has good one serving recipes, for which I do not have to buy a book, send them my way. Because I can only do microwave lasagna or chicken and broccoli so much.


  1. Cooking for one is definitely not easy! My husband travels a lot so there are times when I have the same problem. I usually end up eating grilled cheese and salads, that's pretty boring too!

  2. I love Rachael Ray too! I will try this recipe. I've been looking for some new recipes to try. Thanks for sharing.
