Friday, March 16, 2012

Ok, this one really changed everything...

The last one was about the moment I found out I was pregnant, two weeks before my husband was shipping out with the Navy. Huge, right? Of course. This was a life altering moment. What to do? Who to tell? How to react?

Then, though, there is the ultrasound... that first one. This one...

The one that confirms everything.... The one that proves your life is completely changing, in ways I don't think I have any way of anticipating.

This was quite possibly the coolest, sadest and scariest moment of my life up until now.

Cool, because I had gone back and forth on whether or not I even wanted this. I knew, though that this was something my husband was direly wanting and was so happy that this was something we could finally have together.

Sad, because my husband had just left the week before this ultrasound and I was coming to the realization that I was really doing this on my own.

Scary, for that reason alone. There I was, on the ultrasound table, ALONE.

But, as my lovely husband says, I was born hard -- ready to be a military wife.


  1. I can't see the video. It won't run. Can you post what was in the video so we know what happened without seeing the video? Thanks. Can't wait to find out what happened. :)

    1. Sure, it was just my first ultrasound. I'll fix the link when I get back home later this week.

  2. Wow, that is definitely a lot to take in! With great support in family/friends you will make through this. I always admire military wives just as much as our servicemen, it's not an easy life. Good Luck!
